With an individualized program, we can work together to set up a beneficial nutrition attack plan along with workouts we will do together and other exercises/activities you can do on your own to speed your way to that body you're waiting to see in the mirror. I am here to motivate you to earn the results you're after!
If your group consists of your three friends, your two sisters, or any other combination, it can be a rewarding experience to work out with people you know to motivate and encourage you as the entire group sweats toward success together. I provide a nutrition guideline template to help the entire group and a variety of group exercises so everyone will benefit. One team, one dream!
Boot camps, circuit training, and cycling are excellent classes to help people of all shapes, sizes, and ages to get in shape and stick to a scheduled exercise regimen. The boot camp attendees that I have had in the past ranged from age 13 to age 92 years old. Boot camp classes focus on cardio, agility, balance, and core strength. The circuit training classes focus on strength and individualized muscle groups. Cycling is a low-impact, calorie-burning class that is excellent for weight loss and cardiovascular improvement as well as an incredible sweat! Kickboxing is a great way to combine cardio, balance, coordination, speed, and FUN! Yoga improves balance, symmetry, coordination, breath, mind-body connection, and so much more.
Lose body fat, gain muscle, tone up, get stronger, compete in a fitness competition... Eat for YOUR GOAL!
You can have the physique you want! Trust the process. Food is fuel. Let's get started today!